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Juggling the Numbers: A federal spending shift spurs debate over mathematics and science education


This article discusses NSF's Math and Science Partnership program and quotes several MSP PI's.

" scholars, who are gaining some support in Congress, argue that the NSF program is uniquely fashioned to develop and test new ways for colleges and schools to work together. "The NSF has always had much more attention to the quality of the work in programs in math and science education than has the Department of Education," says Jere Confrey, who is a professor of mathematics education at Washington University in St. Louis and who chaired a National Academy of Sciences panel on mathematics curricula. "With its peer-review process and connection to the [scientific] disciplines, it has been a better source of continuous effort." Behind the debate are wider questions about the role that universities should play in improving schools."

Related Online Discussion with Gordon Kingsley: How Can Universities Improve Schoolteachers in Math and Science?

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