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Follow-up Analysis: Improving Middle Grades Math Performance


"This report is a follow-up to the landmark Gaining Ground in the Middle Grades study, which specified a comprehensive set of actionable practices that differentiated higher academic achievement among 303 middle grades schools in California.

This follow-up analysis inquires further into the Gaining Ground data to provide a more in-depth look at middle grades mathematics practices and policies.

The centerpiece is an empirical exploration of grade 8 Algebra I placement, based on longitudinal data linking the mathematics CSTs that students in the sample took in grade 7 (in 2008) and grade 8 (in 2009). (The findings and implications of this placement analysis are explored further in a companion Policy and Practice Brief, Preparation, Placement, Proficiency.)

In addition, this report sheds light on how middle grades schools in California are using state-adopted standards and curriculum programs, as well as standards-based assessments, as a basis for their efforts to improve student achievement. It also identifies practices and policies that appear to differentiate higher school achievement in grade 8 mathematics within this standards-based context."

View Report: Gaining Ground in the Middle Grades study